
Buying with USAHomeBids

Buy with Complete Transparency and Confidence


We are not replacing traditional real estate. Instead, USAHomeBids offers a new innovative way to sell real estate with our fully transparent platform. It is also important to understand that USAHomeBids is not an auction process. It is an online bidding platform that offers sellers an additional way to market and sell their properties.

USAHomeBids is an ideal platform to sell residential and commercial properties, from luxury homes to distressed properties, vacant lots, and commercial buildings.

In this real estate market environment, many buyers’ offers on homes they loved were outbid either by price or by contingencies. Often, buyers write their highest and best offers without knowing what the competition is doing, which results in losing to more competitive offers or, potentially, overpaying by tens of thousands of dollars you could have saved. USAHomeBids addresses these problems that are faced by today’s serious buyers. For example, when you bid on a property with USAHomeBids’s transparent platform, you see all the other bids and are only required to pay $1,000 over the highest bid. We at USAHomeBids, believe that all real estate transactions should be fully transparent.

USAHomeBids stands apart from other online bidding platforms because your offer does not need to be an “all cash” offer. Instead, when you are the winning bidder, you will proceed through a traditional real estate transaction that can be financed through traditional mortgage lenders or completed all in cash.

USAHomeBids Is Not an Auction

Purchasing properties in an auction means you are buying as-is, all cash, and without the option to negotiate any repairs. If a property is located in a “Right of Redemption” state, the property owner at the time of auction may have the right to reclaim their property, including after the auction.

Whereas, USAHomeBids is an online bidding platform helping buyers to bid on properties through our fully transparent process. When you are the winning bidder on a property, you will proceed in a traditional real estate transaction, including any or all contingencies in place, and you can pay with all cash or finance through traditional mortgage lenders.

USAHomeBids Bidding Process

It is important to register early. Registration can take up to 24 hours to be approved. Waiting to register to bid on a property near the end of the bidding can delay the registration process and lead to the loss of your opportunity to bid on a property.

When placing a bid on a property, you can enter your highest bid, which is not visible to the competition. USAHomeBids will automatically bid $1,000 over the highest bid for you, up to your highest bid amount.

USAHomeBids will automatically extend the bidding time by 12 minutes for each new bid. Therefore, waiting until the last minute is not necessary, nor is it advisable.

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